Nationals Celebrate Independence Day Anniversary
Asmara, 28 May 2024 – The 33rd Independence Day anniversary was celebrated with patriotic zeal by nationals in the Scandinavian countries, Austria, Russia, China, Uganda, Zambia, Germany, and Switzerland under the theme “Peace Anchored on Resilience.”
At the celebratory event in Stockholm on 26 May, Mr. Mohammed-Ali Mohammed-Seid, head of Public and Community Affairs at the Eritrean Embassy, stated that the Eritrean people have reached this promising stage by overcoming all external hostilities to derail the country’s economic progress. He also called on nationals in the Scandinavian countries to strengthen unity and participation in national affairs.
Mr. Alem Teklegergis, chairman of the Holidays Coordinating Committee, also congratulated the people and Government of Eritrea on the occasion, and called on nationals to enhance organizational capacity and contribute to national affairs. According to reports, the 33rd Independence Day anniversary was enthusiastically celebrated in over 66 cities across Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland.
Eritrean-Swedish Alexander Isak, a player for Newcastle United football club, sent a message of congratulations from Australia in connection with the 33rd Independence Day anniversary.
Likewise, the Eritrean community in Vienna, Austria, celebrated the Independence Day anniversary on 26 May. The event was attended by numerous nationals and invited guests.
Mr. Okbai Abadi, chairman of the community, urged nationals to bolster participation in preserving national values and engaging in national affairs.
The 33rd Independence Day anniversary was also observed by nationals in the Russian Federation on 26 May. At the event organized at the Eritrean Embassy compound in Moscow, Mr. Petros Tsegai, Eritrea’s Ambassador to Russia, emphasized that preserving the hard-won independence is the responsibility of every citizen.
Similarly, the anniversary was colorfully celebrated in Beijing. Mr. Tsegai Tesfatsion, Eritrea’s Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China provided a briefing on the profound significance of Independence for the Eritrean people.
In Kampala, the celebratory event on 23 May was attended by over two thousand nationals and featured cultural and artistic programs. Mr. Mohammed Suleiman, Eritrea’s Ambassador to Uganda, noted that the reason for Eritreans to celebrate their Independence Day with patriotic zeal is in recognition of the heavy sacrifices made for it. He also mentioned that this year’s Independence Day is special as it marks a promising stage in overcoming all external hostilities aimed at derailing the country’s economic progress.
Independence anniversary celebrations also took place in Lusaka, Zambia, attended by numerous nationals, senior officials from the Government of Zambia, and members of the diplomatic community. Mr. Saleh Omar, Eritrea’s Ambassador to the Republic of South Africa and Southern African countries, gave a briefing on the deep significance of the day for the Eritrean people.
In related news, the 33rd Independence Day anniversary was colorfully celebrated from 18 to 25 May in over 30 German cities including Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Mannheim, Hamburg, and Nuremberg. The events featured cultural, artistic, and children’s programs. Eritrean Embassy officials provided briefings related to the significance of the day.
The celebratory event in Geneva on 25 May was attended by Ambassadors, members of the diplomatic community, heads of international organizations, renowned journalists, friends of Eritrea, and representatives of national associations. Nationals in the Swiss cities of Basel and Chur enthusiastically celebrated the 33rd Independence Day anniversary with various programs highlighting the significance of the day.
In Oakland, California, nationals celebrated the Independence Day anniversary with patriotic zeal, featuring various programs, particularly for children and youth. At the occasion, members of the Eritrean-American Council provided briefings on the deep meaning of the Independence Day and urged nationals to strengthen organizational capacity and participation in national affairs.